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Hello guys, few days back i study about neurons how they engage, share information and calculate best possible for a problem. Our brain start process from motivation . Now the question where is motivation come from. This is a philosophical question, but I have an answer.

There is a boy who want to eat ice-cream. First of all boy know about ice cream. If ice cream is not exist then there no motivation. An ice-cream man passing through and have a yummy ice cream in his ice cream car. This create urge in his mind. Our brain motivate when midbrain release dopamine.It affect our neurons and activate certains neurons. When activation complete our brain send signals to sensory nerves and motor nerves together.

I think I want to create a neuron model without include mathematics. So I start write a code in my favourite language Go. There are few issues in my idea.

A neurons is a combination of synapses, cell body and dendrites branch. Each component link with each other. So I follow composition method. Dendrites branches are connected with each other and same case with synapse but i write code for dendrites only. Let play around with neurons.


If you write in code before. imports tells which packages i will use or get access to execute my idea.

Data type

This is way allow you to create a own dynamic data type.

Composition example

Go structs are very powerful and also support composition. If you really learn about golang ( ). synapse is the example of composition.

complete code link available below.

I had enjoy so much, are you. Have a good day

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Neurons and Signals

Our brain is most complex device in whole universe. More than 10 billions neurons work in brain factory and each neuron communicate with other neurons. They share information in form of checmail ions. Checmail ions such as Cl-, Na+, Mg+ and K+ are use in this process.

Cell membranes channels

Neurons want to share information with their friends neurons. Each neurons have axons, synapse , dendrites and cell body. Cell body is similar to cell of an organism. Cell body have cell membrane which protect cell from rupture, so that cell perform their own functions. When a cell membrane contact with electrode O(100 mv) voltage they exchange checmails ions. When Na+ enter in cell membrane it depolarize cell membrane state O(0mv). Another gate release K+ or Ca2+ from cell membrane. This is called repolarization O(-55mv).

A spike/action potential is a result of depolarization and repolarization. In other words it's is fluctuation of voltage with respect to time.

action potential
Spike /Action potential

Action Potential

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Hello My name is ali hassan and recently completed in Bachelor (Computer science).  I like to study or work on latest technologies. So I make a plan that I start working computational neuroscience. Most of us are don't know about neurons and how neurons work? How neurons build connection? How to share information between synapses. The above picture "single neuron"  . Yes we study brain but our focus on artificial neurons, develop solutions that change understand brain or try to mimic our brain. However this is not an easy path, because love is not an easy.

              Action Potential/ Neuron Spike:

                           The change in electrical potential associated with the passage of an                            impulse along the membrane of a muscle cell or nerve cell. (psychology) .

Neuron Codes:

Mostly computer scientists especially concern about neuron codes.                             Neuron codes are hypothetical relationship between stimulus(input)                             and their response.    

Types of neural coding

Temporal coding:  Spike precise time.

Phase coding : Output of given timeframe in phase form (sine wave).

Local coding : Information assign only one unit.

Distributed coding : Information assign more than one unit.

Population coding:  Distribution of stimulus and response. Stimulus (Input)                          and response (output) determine neuron state with the help of input.   

 There are many more type of coding, I will discuss all of them include these, in our upcoming articles. 

Neural Coding

              Correlation and synchrony:  In correlation average time of spike. Synchrony, two spike produce at same time. Synchrony is very rare event but there is probability. Have a great day. Thankyou

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